Storrie Time

Well, our time at Storrie Lake State Park is about to end.  We have pretty much spent the summer here.  The weather has been really great, plus it’s close to town and has good Verizon signal.  I don’t watch a lot of TV, but there is good broadcast TV signal here, too.  Several of my friends have spent time here (Barbara, Roxanne, Annie, Nancy, Lorna, Ryan), and I’ve met some new folks (John, Jan, Renee, Patty, Brad, Dave).  And Riley got to make some new friends, too.

The weather is a big factor.  Here is the August weather in Las Vegas this year.  Highs in the 70’s and low 80’s, lows in the 50’s.  I’ll take it.

Las Vegas Weather

And here is Austin in August 2011, the last time I spent August there. (We’ve been on the road since 8/2/12.) Thirty five years of this is enough.  No more.

Austin Weather

Austin Weather

They have a Carnegie Library here, and I was able to get a temporary library card, so that was nice.  It’s a pretty place, sits on a whole block.  The homes surrounding the library block are being restored.

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library

Library Square Houses

Library Square Houses

Renovation of a house across from the library into a gingerbread cottage.

Renovation of a house on the corner across from the library into a gingerbread cottage.

Las Vegas has a nice plaza, with the historic Plaza Hotel on one corner.  Threadbear is a quilt and yarn shop I visited a few times.  It’s just across the street from the Plaza Hotel.  There is a farmer’s market here on Saturday mornings, plus other major events like the Rough Riders biker rally in July.



We did a LOT of dog walking together.  We’d often do two-a-days.  Katie has a bad ankle and can only walk a short distance, then rides in the doggie stroller.

Riley walking with his friends Jake and Katie (Katie has a bad ankle and can only walk a short distance, then rides in the doggie stroller).

Riley walking with his friends Jake and Katie.  (And my friends Annie and Barbara.)

Awww, she's so cute.

Awww, she’s so cute.

I did a bunch of weaving on my new inkle loom.  I REALLY love making bands on it.  I have made a few things for my friends (belts, a dog leash, a camera strap) and have just finished some dog collars.  Probably will work up some stuff for my Etsy shop.

Dog Collars

Dog Collars

Weaving in the shade

On hot days (about 95 was the hottest in July) I took the inkle loom out to our shade structure.  Riley loves hanging out there and I would visit with John and/or Barbara.

So, we are about to head out of here tomorrow (9/3) and go to Santa Fe.  Iska and Larry are going on a trip and I get to house/pet sit.  Yay!  It will be good to visit with them a bit, and I love staying out there.  On the 18th we go up to Taos for a Lazy Daze ladies (Ladeze) gathering.  Then to Albuquerque for some Ford scheduled maintenance and the Balloon Fiesta.  Lots of fun times with good friends planned.

A couple more Storrie views:

I moved to the far north end. by the dam and boat ramp.  Nice view from there.

We moved to the far north end, by the dam and boat ramp, before the Labor Day weekend.  Nice view from there.  Moved back to the loop on Sunday.  It’s better (nicer, quieter) here.

Another lovely day

Another lovely day.  I will miss this.

[By the way – the dump station here is broken and closed.  They will not have it fixed this season.  We have been going to the RV park across from the Walmart since the end of July.  They charge $5.00 and just have you pull into an empty site to use the sewer connection.  FYI for anyone planning a visit.]

Catching Up

I’m always behind in my blogging.  I need to catch up.  We are back at Storrie Lake State Park in Las Vegas, after spending a week at Iska’s in Santa Fe again.  So, briefly, here are some shots of the past 3-4 weeks or so.

Here is one reason I haven’t blogged lately – my new toy.  An inkle loom I found in Santa Fe when we were at Iska’s the first time.  It makes bands: belts, straps, trim, etc.

Inkle Loom

Inkle Loom and book, with my first project warped, ready to start weaving.

Working on my first band

Weaving my first inkle band

I have made several bands and am getting better at it.  It’s a nice, small loom.  Easy to weave in my RV, or take outside and use it on the table in my shelter.  Just finished weaving a band with Rasta colors today.  Still need to finish the ends and get a couple of D-rings to make a belt.

Rasta color Belt

Rasta Belt

Anyway, we’ve been camping with the gals again lately:

Barbara and Katie

Barbara and Katie

Annie and Jake

Annie and Jake

We had a nice 4th of July cookout with John, our camphost and friend:

July 4th Cookout

July 4th Cookout

John took a picture of us gals one day when we were out walking the dogs and he was out taking pictures of some baby birds.

Me, Annie and Barbara with Riley, Jake and Katie

Me, Annie and Barbara with Riley, Jake and Katie

We were all parked together in a row. A nice neighborhood:

From left - Barbara, Me, John, and Annie

From left – Barbara, Me, John, and Annie

After 2 weeks at Storrie, Riley and I headed up to Heron Lake.  The plan was to bounce between Heron Lake and El Vado Lake for a month or two.  We had to pass through Santa Fe, so stopped for a week with Iska and Larry.  We caught another couple of bands at the Plaza – The Rifters and Ballroom Thieves.

The Rifters playing at the Santa Fe Bandstand

The Rifters playing at the Santa Fe Bandstand.

Santa Fe Plaza concertgoers

Folks enjoying the Santa Fe Plaza concert

Sunset at Iska's

Sunset at Iska’s

Plans changed when Barbara went up to Heron Lake and found out the Verizon tower up there was out, due to a storm.  She came back to Las Vegas, and Annie and I decided to do the same.  We ran into Ryan here, who Riley and I saw at Quartzsite and Yuma in Jan./Feb. last year.

New Age Nomad Ryan

New Age Nomad Ryan

Ryan has been out to Heron and El Vado (when the Verizon was working), and more recently, Coyote Creek State Park.  We picked his brain on how the Verizon is up there.  Sounds like it’s workable (plus the campground has wifi), so Riley and I will probably try Coyote Creek once our stay is up here at Storrie.

Nancy is here, and Renee, who we met here a couple of weeks ago.   Annie got back here just after Riley and I pulled in on Wednesday.  Then Roxanne drove up after getting her new cast in Las Cruces.  Annie and Roxi and I are sharing a site (it’s been great!), but plan to spread out when 2 electric sites open up tomorrow.  Barbara got back on Thursday.  She and Nancy are sharing the site next to us until Nancy heads out in a couple of days.  And we met Paula, but she left today.  We have all been hanging out and walking dogs. We had a happy hour the other day and grilled together yesterday.  Life is good.  🙂

New Mexico Sunset

New Mexico Sunset (with Roxanne and Annie)

All caught up.  Yay!

Storrie Lake State Park

On May 6th we left Santa Rosa and headed to Las Vegas, NM.  The route took us a little way on I-40 to pick up Hwy 84, then a few miles on I-25 to reach Las Vegas.  As we drove up 84, gaining elevation as we approached I-25, I remembered the first time I drove that stretch of road.  It was July 2011 and my sister-in-law Bev and I were driving to a casita we had rented for a week in Arroyo Seco, near Taos.  Texas was HOT and we both needed some cools and some time away.  In that stretch of highway you leave the desert-y scrub of southern New Mexico and get into more pine-y type vegetation.  Santa Rosa is at 4,800 ft. elevation and Las Vegas is at 6,500, so it’s a decent gain.  I had such a happy feeling (like back in 2011) that we were on our way to a cool and pretty place for a while.  When we arrived at Storrie Lake I was right.  The mountains across the lake are pretty, the field between the campsite and the lake was a nice blue/green grass and the lake was a pretty blue.  I felt like I was living in a watercolor painting.



The Verizon connection is 4 bars of 4G here, so that’s a great improvement.  And, there is a Walmart on the north end of town, just 3 miles away.  The town itself has lots of history and plenty to see and do.  First, we did some exploring of the park so Riley could check all the smells and I could see what’s what. Storrie Lake was our first stop in New Mexico when we first took off on our RV adventure back in August 2012.  But, I didn’t explore the park much then, spending a lot of time just getting settled in the Lazy Daze.

We were the only RV in the south loop when we arrived, and there were only 2 other rigs in the entire park.  The office didn’t open until May 15th, the Riverside camping area was closed off and the restrooms were closed.  Oh.  Guess we were a bit early.  Not to worry, though.  We were fine in our self-contained home.  Within a couple of days other RV’s started arriving and filling in.

We were able to explore down by the Riverside campground, even though the road was closed to traffic.  The road leads to an old wooden bridge across the Galinas River that flows into the lake.  It’s closed off and is a termite buffet now.  But, the “river” is just barely a trickle at that location, so we are able to walk across it and explore beyond it.  Once, I brought Riley’s ball and and let him play over there.  There isn’t really an off-leash dog area in the park and there’s no one across the bridge, so he wasn’t bothering anyone over there.

Old Bridge

Old bridge, still worthy of sniffing

It was a bit chilly when we arrived at the park, but got pretty cold by the 12th.  I ended up backing up about 25 yards to the next site, which had electric hookups.  I wanted to run the space heater, so took that site for 2 nights.  It started snowing in the afternoon, so I popped outside and grabbed a picture.


You can see some snowflakes starting to fall.  The scooter is cozy in the shelter.

I watched a movie in the evening and was surprised when we went outside at about 10PM for Riley’s last potty break.  There was a blanket of about 2″ of snow on everything!  In the morning it had melted on the bare ground, but was still there a bit in the grassy areas.



The guy across from me had to remove the snow from his slides before they could turtle-up and head out.

Snow on slides

Slides are good until you get a snowstorm.

Anyway, the next day was still cold, but I still had my heater going, so we were cozy.  Then I saw a brown Lazy Daze drive in.  I racked my brain for who I knew with that color RV, towing a jeep.  Turns out it was Jan, a fantastic photographer, and friend of Andy Baird.  I remember reading Andy’s blog posts about all the cool sites he and Jan visited on their photography trip in Colorado.  It was great to meet Jan and we had a chance to visit a few times while she was here for 2 days on her way to CO.  I hope we can cross paths again on our travels.

So, back to Storrie Lake info.  The campground has several camping areas.  There are 17 sites in the south loop where I am, both electric/water and water-only, and reservation sites and non-reservation.  There are another 30 or so electric or water-only sites between the north end of the park and at the Riverside campground.  So, there are plenty of sites, most with the adobe shelter buildings.  Then there is primitive camping closer to the lake.

Primitive Access

Primitive Access

There is a big field there, plenty of room if the park is full.

Primitive Area

Primitive Area

There is also a peninsula where a lot of the fishermen park their autos or RV’s.  The fishing must be good at this lake.  There are ALWAYS people fishing down there.

Lakeside Camping

Lakeside camping with the fishermen

New Mexico state parks allow 14 days maximum at a park, then you have to be out for 6 days.  (Basically 14 days in a 20 day calendar period – you can split that any way you want.)  We spent the full 14 days at Storrie then went away to Villanueva State Park, about 40 miles away.  We hadn’t been to that park before, but had heard good things, so wanted to check it out.  Will post about Villanueva separately.

We got back to Storrie Lake on Memorial Day and I noticed an RV across from the visitor center as we drove in that looked like Me and My Dog’s Barbara.  I knew she was recently in Albuquerque, but thought she would be going to Bluewater Lake.  She likes to summer there and we had met her and Katie there in October 2012.  So, I was surprised and happy when Barbara and Katie came by to say hi a couple of hours later.  We had a great visit and got caught up.  We have been walking dogs each morning and afternoon and enjoying visiting.  Katie has an ankle that swells up when she walks too far. so when she is unable to go further Barbara has the stroller ready.  It works out great.

Barbara and Katie

Barbara and Katie

Also, on Memorial Day fellow Lazy Daze owner Nancy stopped for the night on the way from Santa Fe to Colorado.  We met her at the Lazy Daze campsite at Quartzsite last year.  It was nice to visit with Nancy again, too.

I put up my hummingbird feeder and am getting a lot of customers.  Even this guy:

"How do I get the seeds to come out?"

“Hey lady – how do I get the seeds to come out?”

More soon from Las Vegas.  I have pictures of the historic downtown and up in the mountains.

Riley at Storrie Lake

Riley enjoys the breeze at Storrie